it was a wednesday afternoon.....i surprisingly had written the SP paper pretty well courtesy Prathamesh and Swami.... we all had made the same mistake though... but still 15 marks attempt out of 20 was not bad. So we were all going back home... When we walk back from college our BIG group walks in small small groups... so that we dont hinder the traffic... lolz. so it was me Siddhi and Ameya who were walking at the front.. and we were just having a chat about how ameya was feeling bad tht his car was sold... The Afternoon batch of students was coming to college... and there were many familiar faces amongst them..... but one girl was coming alone... she is a very famous girl in our college... ( and famous for both right & wrong reasons.....) so she walking and she had this smuggish smile on her face.... now i am pretty good at face reading..... i am...... i am not boasting...
so the look on her face was tht she was slightly smiling ..... as in it was not a convincing smile nor was it a rude look.... but what was going in her mind was this..... at least i think soo
" hey... these are students from my college....hmmmmm i am sure they must be knowing me... oh.. yaa of course... why wldnt they.... half of them have interacted with me.... but they are not like gr8 frnds yaaar.... so should i smile or show tht i recognise them.... ummmmm no.... why should i do tht.... they are supposed to know me.... so they should smile first... or atleast show some sign of recognition....... haaan... i will do one thing...... i will have this small smile on my face..... so let them take the initiative and then i will smile back..... as it is i dont have company today .... and even the car was not available.... its soo boring to walk alone.... and tht tooo meeee... i am walking alone......chuck it.... i have a paper to attend.... oh here they come..."
well this is my analysis.... so when all tht was going through her mind.... she had the same smug smile ,i mentioned before, on her face.. now i had personally interacted with her once or twice and so had ameya.... siddhi hadnt... and all of us were in our own world.... so didnt bother taking notice of her.... but i am sure hardik or someone else from the lot who was walking back must've fulfilled her wish that some one takes a note of her.... hardik is a nice guy.... he will smile at everyone he knows.. hehe ( mihir mimicks that very well...)...
ya so this happens to all of us many times...... say if u know someone and u wave out to him/her... and if he or she is not paying attention the it appears as if u r just waving in air.... or it appears as if the other person is not giving u any bhaaav.... hehe... and this is true if tht person is just an acquaintance... and we guys suffer the most if that acquaintance is a very good looking girl... u wave out to her and she is not looking in ur direction.... then ur gone.... ur frnds will taunt u like hell... hehe...
so whenever i see such lovely acquaintance.... i dont jump the gun and smile or wave straight away.... i first make sure tht the girl is looking at me and showing me some sign of recognition.. and then smile or wave..... because finally the question arises..... to smile or not to smile.... heheheee
plz do post ur comments... i know my blog is very raw and i lack finishing touch.... ur comments are most welcome... :)
Well,I can only imagine who the girl was....smiling at girls or reciprocating 2 their hints of smile has been a matter of grt confusion and efforts for me...(mhanunach mi maage rahilo bahutek....hehe)....but wat u have written is applicable 2 most of d guys....I need 2 know d girl though...
hehee... true...i have told u the name naa..
hey what a start! welcome to the blogosphere with a bang! the post is very natural and do maintain the style of's very much needed in this world of blogs..n good observations regarding the nature of ppl....though i don't remember any girl passing by and tell me who she is....keep blogging...hope to c some more posts soon!
First Of All Welcome!!!!!!
Great Effort!
and finally abt the actual event...
it was totally hilarious...i have experienced dat myself...
do one thing..send a link of this post to that not so sweet girl with a not so sweet smile...probably that will help her smile more often ..n even better..
hehehe... nice suggestion priya..
are ekdam masta survat tar kelis.........evdha kahy takau nahi lihila ahes........
hehe thanks gayu
hahahahaha..... i always said advait has a scanner on...........
great post and welcome to blogspot
hey gr8 blog...simply brilliant
hehe...u r such a brilliant observer...m sure evrybody must b cuming across this question...or atleast i do n tht 2 evryday....
advait patki is it???the one dat i used to know???/?wer was thi talent in u all dese years???m i touched or wat!!mean its simply fantastic the way u write this stuff...i only read a few of them but i m impressed.but u know wat....i think u shud write sumthng that actually happened to u...with ur past...would luv to read it ur
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