Monday, February 16, 2009

regularly irregular.....

now i knew this would happen. the day i started blogging i knew that one time would come when i would not get time to update my blog in 2-3 weeks and then those 2-3 weeks would transform into 2-3 months.. It did happen so. this is my first post in the new year and so first of all i will wish everyone a very happy new year. ( I know its veryyy late )

Now for the past 2-3 months i was literally "working" in the college for our annual festivals. Everyone had a gala time and now life is back to normal with all of us sitting for lectures and supposedly all of us have started preparing for CAT. ( underline supposedly ). So i couldnt get time to write anything. 

Now u mite ask....But then why all of a sudden this urge to write?... i will explain this..... that is what this post is about..

I logged into my account today and i saw that amongst the blogs that i follow, many of my inactive friends had become very active. Even if the reason for that being online internship.... the bottom line is  that they are active. So i also felt that i should post something... atleast some thing...... so i have come up with this crap....

now i hope that this worst ever post of mine gives me a kick and i get back to some serious blogging once again.....


1 comment:

Ameya H Vaidya said...


Well even i went through the same throes of not being able to update my blog!!

Welcum Back