Sunday, October 19, 2008

the fun of teasing and being teased....

here are a few phases which all of us must have gone through in our school and college life. (Mann... all my posts have this line " u all must have experienced this" )
We  all like to tease our friends in our school and college life. The reasons for teasing are also varied. I mean it can be as dumb as ," you two are the monitors of the class so we are pairing u up." i had a lot of experience of this in my school life. Every year the girl's monitor used to change whereas i used to be the default boy's monitor. So every year i got teased by a new girl. Funny.... and weird. but thats the way things happen in school. As we slowly grow up, the reasons change. People tease u beacause you are on very good terms with that person. they will say , " hmmmmmmmmmmmm .... u two talk regularly on phone, eh?? ... hmmmmmm " ... funny again and in such cases u tend to smile within yourself which people conviniently intepret as "blushing".
Then there is a thing known as your eyes tell it all... i mean how can eyes speak.... and if they are capable of speaking, then they are capable of telling the truth as well as a lie... Now how come u know that i am not lying...  but it is true to a certain extent because even i use this phrase when i tease my frnds. ... hehe. 

then u can be teased because u find that girl/ guy attractive or rather u have a crush on that person... Now this is the most interesting of the lot... 
Imagine u have a crush on that person and then some of your close friends tease u just after u had a chat with that person....

You come to your friends after having a normal chat with the person u have a crush on ..... Your friends start , " hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ........ had  a nice chat, eh?? hmmmmmmm..." 
now this is the time u actually blush. 
and our mind is a wonderful device.. It can imagine things at the speed of light and once the imagination chain reaction is unleashed, there is no stopping it.... U quickly jump to the nice chat u had with that person , then u start thinking what if there happened something between you and that guy/girl, all of a sudden u feel elated, your friends are teasing you  but your mind is drifting elsewhere, you recollect the nice moments u have spent with that person , u imagine a few nice moments which could have been possible, had it not been for your idioitic friend who had interrupted u guys then; you suddenly start feeling nice and high.... like on cloud no 9. ; you probably know that there is nothing possible between you two but still you like all these thoughts because the make u feel nice and bring a smile on your face and make you forget all your worries for the time being:) .... this is the actual fun of being teased... 

teasing people is always fun, but is you are teased with someone nice then its more fun....!!!! 



priya amrute said...

teasing is not fun..believe me people..these words have come after personal experience..

Hardik Kothare said...

omg! Priya n serious? but i disagree with her...teasing IS fun when done n taken in the right spirits

Advait said...

yes hardik said it

Prathamesh said...

Being teased is not always fun.....It depends on the other person u r being teased by.
If the person is shot then it irritates u. dont u??? I hav experienced it.
If the other person is nice or u hav a crush on him/her then its fun.
Hardik do u like it when we tease u with Mahadik or any other boy????

Advait said...

i get it mesh.... u experience is related to a troublesome idiot staying in kalyan....... lolzz

Prathamesh said...
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Prathamesh said...

not only that....
I hav experienced it in schools too... so m used to it now....

bhagya said...

Hey ! I agree with u ! Teasing can be fun ! But it can be awkward too ! And embarrassing ! hehe ! But its a great part of growing up especially the last 3-4 years of school were made fun becoz of it !

And nice writing....I'll surely read more of ur posts though it will take me a while to get thru the whole lot of them !

Keep writing !

Unknown said...

taesing...well i'm used 2 it by its pretty much fun...although initially it was a bit ackward...
n now dat i know wat it means to b teased i refrain from teasin others..
so teasin is fun if taken in d right spirit...